Investment Insight Series: Thematic Calls
Our video series provides an insight into global market trends in investing.
The world is constantly changing and new challenges and opportunities are created every day. To help grasp these opportunities, we have dedicated teams of analysts who continuously monitor global markets for game changing trends that they see taking place in the world today. Our Investment Themes are a summary of what we believe are some of the best investment opportunities available today. We believe these sectors will continue to see exponential growth in earnings this year and beyond. As such our thematic calls are essentially our “best ideas”.
The videos below are recordings from our Investment Insight Series which were produced to provide more colour, detail and background to the opportunities that we believe exists in these areas. To best effect these broadcasts, we have enlisted the help of world class experts to educate us on the continued possibilities that we believe lie ahead. They are passionate and knowledgeable in equal measure on their respective areas of expertise. Like all good speakers, their genius is in making the complex simple.
Watch the videos below.
Thematic investing at Davy
Life Sciences
Cyber Security
AI & Robotics
Climate Change
China A i.e. Chinese Domestic shares
Value Call
Let's start the conversation.
Investors fear bear markets but they should really fear missing out on bull markets. Investing is complex however, and growing wealth is a marathon not a sprint. Our job is to deliver superior investment returns for our clients as well as advising on the correct mix of investment strategies. Talk to us today to access a personalised investment strategy focused on success.
Philip Lowe
Director, Davy Private Clients