Stora Enso

In-line Q2 2024, with unchanged outlook

  • Sectors : Paper & Packaging
  • Companies : Stora Enso

Ratings and price correct at time of issue.

  • Stora Enso

    Closing Price: 1269c

  • RATING 24/07/23

  • PREVIOUS RATING 10/05/23



Stora Enso’s €161m Q2 2024 operating EBIT is in-line with consensus, with an unchanged 2024E outlook. Divisionally, profit was ahead of consensus expectations in Packaging Materials and Forest, but lagged expectations in Biomaterials (Pulp) and Other (due to lower electricity prices). We expect H2 2024E pricing focus at the 09:00 BST (10:00 CET) earnings call.

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Jul 24 2024, 07:22 IST/BST
