Air France KLM

Q2 “stable yet sluggish performance”

  • Sectors : Airlines
  • Companies : Air France KLM

Ratings and price correct at time of issue.

  • Air France KLM

    Closing Price: 792c

  • RATING 17/05/23

  • PREVIOUS RATING 12/01/23



Air France KLM reported a Q2 operating result of €513m (consensus: €541m, Davy: €503m), €220m below last year. The group was mainly impacted by an increase in unit costs, a decrease of cargo unit revenues as well as less inbound traffic to Paris as a consequence of the Olympic Games to deliver a “stable yet sluggish performance”. Key performance indicators (KPIs) for the full year are slightly changed and consensus stands at €1,583m operating income for FY24.

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Jul 25 2024, 08:08 IST/BST
