Grafton Group

Well-positioned for cycle turn

  • Sectors : Builders Merchants
  • Companies : Grafton Group

Ratings and price correct at time of issue.

  • Grafton Group

    Closing Price: 1054p

  • RATING 07/10/20

  • PREVIOUS RATING 21/05/20



Grafton has proved itself an astute and judicious manager of capital; it has significant cash reserves; and it operates an attractive portfolio of businesses. Strategically, the next phase of the group’s evolution is expected to be the deployment of its cash- rich balance sheet. Operationally, Grafton has had to contend with mainly challenging end-markets, but it is clear the group remains well positioned to exploit the cyclical upturn expected to come through from next year and beyond.

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Sep 6 2024, 06:50 IST/BST
