Givaudan (GIVN.S, GIVN SW)

  • 35085.4
  • 9.2
  • 94.8

    Closing Price (chf): 380000.0

  • RATING 31/01/24

  • PREVIOUS RATING 24/03/20


Company Profile

Givaudan is the global leader in the flavour and fragrance industry with an estimated market share of c.25%. It supplies global, regional and local food, beverage, consumer goods and fragrance companies. It has its headquarters in Vernier, Switzerland, and has been listed on the SIX Swiss Stock exchange since June 2000. Givaudan has two divisions: Taste & Wellbeing: (51% of group sales) and Fragrance & Beauty (49% of group sales). Givaudan operates from 163 locations worldwide with 78 production sites. Over 16,260 employees work in partnership with its customers.

Major Shareholders%
Bill & Melinda Gates Fnd. Tr.12.0
Freemont Capital Pte Ltd.5.0
The Vanguard Group, Inc.3.2
UBS Asset Mgt. Switzerland AG3.1
Norges Bank Investment Management2.0