Hostelworld (HSW.L, HSW LN)

  • 159.4
  • 125.0
  • 82.4

    Closing Price (p): 127.5

  • RATING 15/12/15


Company Profile

Operating the world's largest hostels-focussed online booking platform, Hostelworld has historically been an asset-light, high-margin and cash-generative business. The group has recovered strongly from COVID and its innovative social strategies have helped drive meaningful improvements in profitability. In 2023, the group reported revenue and aEBITDA of €93.3m and €18.4m respectively.

Major Shareholders%
Aberforth Partners9.2
Jupiter Fund Management plc5.6
Lombard Odier Invest. Mgt Ltd.5.4
Gresham House Asset Mgt5.2
Pershing Securities Limited 5.1