Greencoat UK Wind (UKWG.L, UKW LN)

  • 2471.3
  • 2246.6
  • 97.4

    Closing Price (p): 110.0

  • RATING 09/05/23


Company Profile

Greencoat UK Wind is an owner of operational UK wind assets and a leading listed renewable infrastructure fund. It aims to provide investors with an annual dividend that increases in line with RPI inflation while preserving the capital value of its investment portfolio in real terms over the long term. At the end of 2023, onshore wind represented 55% of its portfolio, with offshore wind accounting for the remaining 45%. Its investment portfolio is managed by Schroders Greencoat.

Major Shareholders%
Rathbones Investment Mgmt Intl5.7
Investec Wealth & Investment Ltd.4.8
BlackRock Invest. Mgt (UK) Ltd.4.6
Newton Investment Management Ltd.4.5
Schroder & Co. Ltd.3.1