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Everyday Business podcast
with Aidan Donnelly
Episode 18 with Michael Dwyer, Entrepreneur and Founder of
We are delighted to bring you the eighteeth episode of the podcast series 'Everyday Business with Aidan Donnelly' with guest Michael Dwyer, Entrepreneur and Founder of
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This podcast brings you insightful conversation between Aidan Donnelly and entrepreneurs and business owners/management with their own unique story to tell. A new episode of the series will be released biweekly. You can listen to 'Everyday Business with Aidan Donnelly' via any of your usual podcast providers.
About Michael Dwyer
The idea of an entrepreneur giving up ‘a good job’ in order to pursue their own venture is hardly an isolated one, but few entrepreneurs would believe their journey could take 20 years, seeing off a dot-com crash, two terrorist attacks on either side of the Atlantic, and a global financial crisis – any one of which probably brought down many SME’s. But that is exactly what today’s guest did.
In 1999, Michael Dwyer sketched out the basis for his new venture on the front of an Irish Independent newspaper on a flight back from London, that would see him quit a marketing director role with Northern Foods to develop a hub on the internet to bring brands and consumers together in a way that works for both, using offers as a key attraction. And with that was born.
What followed were thousands of squeezy pink pig stress relievers, multiple ups and downs that saw the business skirt perilously close to oblivion, and further fund raises, harsh cost cutting plans, illogical price from competitors – which proved to be their undoing - before finally selling the business in April 2019 to Secret Escapes for €25m.
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The participants in this Podcast have done so for the purpose of sharing their own individual business experiences. Some are clients of Davy and some are not. They have not received a gratuity or other payment for their time in making the Podcast. The views expressed throughout are their own.
WARNING: The information in this Podcast is not a recommendation or investment research. It does not purport to be financial advice. You should speak to your advisor, in the context of your own personal circumstances, prior to making any financial or investment decision.