Fergal Roche Financial Planning Manager
Heather Randles Director, Financial Planning
22nd October, 2024
Finance Bill 2024 implements taxation changes announced on Budget Day while also providing clarity on specific measures. We outline the key pension updates from the Bill below and what actions you may need to consider in light of these changes.
The Finance Bill introduced a new limit in relation to employer contributions to PRSAs. From 1st January 2025, the contribution cannot exceed more than 100% of the relevant employee’s remuneration in the year. Amounts in excess of this will be treated as a taxable BIK (benefit in kind) in the hands of the employee.
The Bill confirmed that the SFT will increase from its current limit of €2 million to €2.8 million by 2029.
This is to be achieved with an annual increase of €200k from 2026 to 2029.
There will also be an annual increase thereafter with reference to average weekly earnings. The 2030 SFT will capture the increase in earnings from 2025 to 2029 and may result in a further significant uplift at that point.
Confirmation that the maximum tax efficient pension lump sum will remain at €500,000.
We await the Bill being passed into law in the coming weeks, which may alter some of the detail set out above. Irrespective of any specific tax changes our view remains unchanged. We believe that the key to delivering the most appropriate solution for you is to understand your individual circumstances and financial goals, as well as considering the potential impact of taxation to ensure you can meet these goals efficiently. Our dedicated team can help you to formulate a personalised plan and investment strategy based on your unique needs and circumstances.
Contact your Davy adviser to understand the impact on your broader retirement plan and the best course of action for you.
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Contact us to understand the impact on your broader retirement plan and the best course of action for you.
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This article is based on our understanding of Finance Bill 2024 which is due to be implemented in the forthcoming Finance Act. Changes may be made prior to implementation. This article is general in nature and is not intended to constitute tax, financial or legal advice. It does not take account of your financial situation or investment objectives. Prior to making any decisions which have tax, legal or other financial implications, you should seek independent professional advice.
Warning: The information in this article is not a recommendation or investment research. It does not purport to be financial advice and does not take into account the investment objectives, knowledge and experience or financial situation of any particular person. There is no guarantee that a financial or investment plan will meet its objectives. You should speak to your advisor, in the context of your own personal circumstances, prior to making any financial or investment decision.
Warning: The value of your investments may go down as well as up.
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