
Government formation: banking exits and housing policy

  • Sectors : Banks
  • Companies : permanent tsb Group | AIB Group | Bank of Ireland


Ratings and price correct at time of issue

Company Rating Date Previous Rating Date Closing Price
AIB Group OUTPERFORM 23/01/19 Neutral 14/08/18 549c
Bank of Ireland OUTPERFORM 11/03/13 Neutral 14/08/12 908c
permanent tsb Group OUTPERFORM 04/02/21 Neutral 06/03/19 140c


There will be little by way of surprise in the draft Programme for Government from a banking perspective. The reduction in the state’s shareholding in the system is set to continue. Housing delivery is one of the primary focuses supporting growth in the core mortgage market. The outcome of the election, with a stable political backdrop and an enviable budget position, sets Ireland apart from many Western economies at present, which is very supportive for the banking system.

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Jan 16 2025, 08:37 GMT
