Diploma plc (DPLM.L, DPLM LN)

  • 5983.2
  • 134.1
  • 99.5

    Closing Price (p): 4462.0

  • RATING 06/09/24


Company Profile

Diploma is a group of value-add distributors operating in specialist end markets across three divisions: Controls (49% group revenue), Seals (35% group revenue) and Life Sciences (16% group revenue). Just over 60% of sales are from North America, with the remaining 40% from Europe and the UK, Canada and Australia. It runs a decentralised structure whereby organic growth is compounded by a continuous M&A pipeline.

Major Shareholders%
Capital Research & Mgt (World)11.2
Mawer Investment Management Ltd.5.0
Royal London Asset Mgt. Ltd.4.9
BlackRock Invest. Mgt (UK) Ltd.3.3
Mondrian Investment Partners Ltd.3.1