SigmaRoc plc (SRC.L, SRC LN)

  • 784.9
  • 1114.9
  • 79.4

    Closing Price (p): 70.4

  • RATING 18/09/24


Company Profile

SigmaRoc is a quoted European lime and minerals group. SigmaRoc seeks to create value by purchasing assets in fragmented markets and extracting efficiencies through active management and by forming the assets into larger groups. It seeks to de-risk its investments through the selection of projects with strong asset backing.

Major Shareholders%
CRH Plc15.4
BlackRock Invest. Mgt (UK) Ltd.5.0
Lombard Odier Asset Mgt. (Europe)4.9
Fidelity Management & Res. Co.4.6
Von Rettig Family4.5