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Managing a retirement fund

Preserving your wealth in retirement

When the hard work of funding your pension is complete, we can help you successfully negotiate the structuring decisions which present at retirement.

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Retirement on your terms

The optimal strategy for managing your retirement fund is informed by your retirement ambition and how much money you need to fund it, your appetite for investment risk and desire to provide for the people and causes that matter most to you.

We take the time to work through these important personal considerations.

Pension options

Defined benefit pensions

Defined benefit (DB) pension schemes provide a guaranteed monthly payment to retirees for life. At retirement, a transfer value may be offered for the DB pension. This a single payment in lieu of providing a guaranteed pension at normal retirement age. Your choice here should be informed not only by the payment offered, but other factors including your appetite for risk, the profile of your other investments, your desire for income flexibility, and the importance of passing on wealth to the next generation.

Defined benefit pension image of a wet dog

Approved retirement fund

An approved retirement fund or ARF is a personal, tax-efficient investment fund into which you can transfer all or part of your pension. Unlike an annuity, where an insurance company guarantees a retirement income in return for a premium, an ARF requires you to remain invested. It enables you to invest in a wide range of assets such as stocks, bonds, and property. The investments you choose depend on your risk tolerance and your financial goals. ARFs give retirees the ability to control their own investments, taking a flexible income throughout retirement and generally transfer to the retiree’s estate on death.

Approved retirement funds are our primary solution for retirees. 

Approved Retirement Fund image of someone reading a book

Investment opportunities

Davy offers a world of investment opportunity, across discretionary and advisory portfolios.

Our discretionary portfolios aim to deliver consistent returns through the cycle by investing in a diversified range of assets, including equities, bonds, alternatives and cash. We offer four primary choices, across distinct risk profiles, with implementation options to suit your individual cost, tax and sustainability preferences. Our investment philosophy, disciplined investment process and risk governance underpin the top-quartile performance of our discretionary portfolios.

Our advisory offering is designed for investors seeking more direct control over the management of their wealth, with our specialists providing you with access to best-in-class investment opportunities across direct equities, bonds, private equity funds, private placements and property, among others. 

Investment opportunities

Investing opportunities image of a couple in a forrest