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Keeping You Safe

Types of scams to be aware of

Types of scams to be aware of

There a number of scams in operation with fraudsters targeting individuals via email, phone or text. 

Email fraud

This is where fraudsters send fake emails masquerading as a legitimate company or individual. These emails typically have a sense of urgency associated with them requiring immediate action asking the recipient to “verify”, “update” or “reactivate” their account.

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Phishing is a type of email fraud where you might receive an "official looking" email asking you to return sensitive information by email, or ask you to click on a link to visit a page where you will be asked for personal information.

These scams can be very sophisticated and often the emails are indistinguishable from genuine emails. Some things to look out for include:

  • Any part of an email can be faked, including the ‘From’ address, text, any links and any attachments.
  • Phishing emails usually have a “call-to-action”, i.e. an urgent request requiring to take immediate action.
  • Emails offering financial products with high rewards which seem too good to be true.
  • Emails with links to an illegitimate website.
  • The language used in phishing emails can often be unprofessional.
  • The phisher almost always wants your username and login details, or financial account details.
  • Some phishing emails attempt to install viruses on your device. If you see a request to install software, ignore it.

Telephone frauds

Another common way for fraudsters to target potential victims is by phone or text pretending to be from a reputable organisation or acting on behalf of an organisation. There are a number of telephone-based scams in operation.

Keeping you safe of a phone

Smishing (a combination of the words SMS and phishing)

This is a scam where fraudsters use text messages to trick you into opening a malicious attachment or a link, which when clicked on directs you to a fraudulent login screen to enter your account details. It can also download malicious software (mobile malware) on to your phone. The fraudster then uses the information you have entered to access your account and carry out unauthorised transactions.


Vishing (a combination of the words voice and phishing)

Vishing is a scam where fraudsters use text messages to trick you into opening a malicious attachment or a link, which when clicked on directs you to a fraudulent login screen to enter your account details. It can also download malicious software (mobile malware) on to your phone. The fraudster then uses the information you have entered to access your account and carry out unauthorised transactions.

Contact Us

If you are ever in any doubt about whether a communication is real, or if you have other concerns about your online account, please contact us.